Article Endpoint:financial/v2/transactions
We’ve listed below some troubleshooting steps if transactions aren’t being returned in the api call for your customer.
- If you have entered parameters for from_date and to_date, remove them and send a request to financial/v2/transactions to check if any transactions are being pulled through, there may not be any transactions for the dates you have specified.
- Send a request to /v1/open-banking/account-access-consents and confirm that the expiration_date has not passed, if it has passed then consent for access to the account has expired and it will need to be reconnected in order to pull though more transactions.
- Refresh the data and see if the data pulls through using the steps for After refreshing the data if the API returns "result": "connection_not_found", AND "reconnect_required": true, it means the user has revoked consent/never consented.
If you’re still having issues, get in touch with our support team at
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